Allhamdulliah! My photographs published in national and international Newspapers and magazines, the few names of Newspapers and magazines given below: ledauphine (France),
Daily Observer, TBS News, New Age,Daily sun, The Independent,The Guardian(London), Chiiz Magazine(India), 121 .com (India), Insider, Then24, Wikipedia, Peta Pixel, Forbes,Ze.TT(Germany), Geographical, Life Gate,The Irish Sun,PNA Hoboctn,National Geographic,Spider’s Web, The objective,Watson(Switzerland), RND,UP Magazine,TV 2, P’UBLLCO (Portugal), Protagon.GR, Agrofy News, Forbes Portugal, FAOBangladesh, Youthled, Wanderlust Magazine, Whalbone magazine(USA), Icaruscomplex Magazines, Flora Fiction Literary Magazine(USA), AP Magazine (UK), News UNROLLED, RT News, FA News, Hiindia, Newstral, Amazon Amazonia, Caraa News,
detikNews(Indonesia), CGTN(China),
Huffpost (UK), Deccan Herald (Delhi), The National News, FirstPost, MSN, Esquire, Sputnik France, Detiklnet, detikFinance (Indonesia), Sputnik News, Yahoo (UK), x99News, FirstPost, United Nations Brazil, Todayuknews, NewsoTime, Hcabarbieri News, Ria Russia, Guncelkal, The Daily Star (BD), MSN, HeadTopics, Elespectador, BBC Science Focus Magazine, GreenMe Magazine, MoneyControl, DiyPhotography Magazine, Design You Trust, loveExploring Magazine, 2oceansvibe, SuccesslifeLounge Magazine, Greenme Magazine, xatakafoto, DWrong Magazine, Geographical Magazine Uk, Iglo news (Indonesia), infobae, Business Post and many more…