
My photographs have appeared in more than 100 newspapers, magazines, calendars, and foundations worldwide. They have been used broadly in university studies to bring attention to critical social and environmental issues. 🌿🌍
Notable outlets include: 📰📸

The Guardian (London), National Geographic, The Times (UK), BBC, Forbes, The Daily Star (Bangladesh), The Independent (Bangladesh), Prothom Alo, Daily Observer, Daily Sun (Bangladesh), New Age, TBS News, CNN World, Wikipedia, Peta Pixel, Yahoo (UK), Yahoo/News, Geographical Magazine UK, Global Times, Green Watch, GreenMe Magazine, CCTV Asia Pacific, CGTN, CRIBangla, 121. com (India), 20 Minuten, 2oceansvibe,, AP Magazine (UK), AS, Adventure,, Agrofy News, Ahora Mundo, AjkalerKhobor, Amazon Amazonia, BBC Science Focus Magazine, Bangladesh Journal, Bangladesh Pratidin, Bremen Erleben!, Bundle, CRÓNICAVIVA, Caraa News,, Chiiz Magazine (India), Climate Home News, Climatelinks, DER PATRIOT, DWrong Magazine, Daily Nayadiganta, Deccan Herald (Delhi), Desh Rupantar, Design You Trust, Detiklnet, Dhaka Post, Dialogue Earth, DiyPhotography Magazine, ELNACIONAL.CAT, ESCAP,, Egypt Biz News, Elespectador, Esquire, FA News, FAO Bangladesh, FirstPost, Flora Fiction Literary Magazine (USA), Forbes Portugal, Fotoarena, France TV, Franceinfo, Freie Presse, Fränkische Landeszeitung, GGN, GMX, Gandul, Guardian, Guncelkal, Hcabarbieri News, HeadTopics, Health Policy Watch, Hiindia, HuffPost (UK), ID, Icaruscomplex Magazine, Iglo News (Indonesia), Insider, Ivy Learnings, Just Style,, Kalbela, Kalerkantho, La Nacion, Le Dauphiné (France), Life Gate, L’OBS, ME Magazine, MSN, Medium, MedivoiceBD, Meteorological Technology International, Microsoft Start, Mindener Tageblatt, Mittelbayerische, MoneyControl, Mumsnet, News UNROLLED, NewsoTime, Newstral, Nhan Quyen, P’UBLLCO (Portugal), PNA Hoboctn, PORTALAM.COM, Pantau, Progresso Digital, Protagon.GR, RND, RT News, Radar, Ria Russia, Rising BD, SCIAM, Salon, Sci Dev Net, South China Morning Post, Spider’s Web, Sputnik France, Sputnik News, Stern, SuccesslifeLounge Magazine, Südthü, TRT Haber, TV 2,, The Business Standard, The Daily Campus Limited, The Daily Ittefaq, The Daily Karatoa, The Irish Sun, The Lund University, The Mirror Asia, The National News, The Objective, The Rainforest Foundation UK, Then24, Todayuknews, UN News, UNDRR, UNESCO, UP Magazine, United Nations, United Nations Brazil, Volksfreund, WELT, WMW, WN OZ, Wanderlust Magazine, Watson (Switzerland), WeAreWater Foundation, Weekly Bangladesh, Whalebone Magazine (USA), Youthled, ZEIT Online, Ze.TT (Germany), Zeitung, ZoomBangla, detikFinance (Indonesia), detikNews (Indonesia),, iPost,, loveExploring Magazine, x99News, xatakafoto, Интерфакс, ٤٨ رب, 世界资源研究所 and many more..

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Muhammad Amdad Hossain

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